Katarzyna Sornat

Proper names of biblical provenance in Wacław Potocki’s poetry.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2022
Władysława Bryła, Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz, Joanna Rychter, Współczesne koncepty poetyckie, publicystyczne i kaznodziejskie (Modern poetic, journalistic, and preaching concepts), Gorzów Wielkopolski 2020.REVIEWS9/2021
Exponents of Sarmatism in the past and present phraseology. On the example of Wacław Potocki’s works and modern idioms.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2020
Words of the month in 2018 in lexical and semantic fields.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2019
Common inflection lexis of the 17th-century Polish (on the example of the vocabulary in Wacław Potocki’s works)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2018
Tomasz Korpysz, Anna Krasowska (eds), Komizm historyczny (Historical humour), Warszawa 2016REVIEWS1/2018
The woman in the titles of epigrams by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn (based on an analysis of female names)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2017