Marzena Stępień

Lexicalisation of developing clauses with expressions cokolwiek and co (whatever) functioning as a metatextual commentary.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2020
A project of a dictionary for tools of communication for adults with neurogenic speech disorders.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2018
The application of a semantic and lexical fi eld network in a therapeutic programme serving the purpose of language formation. PropositionARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2017
Balanced sentence lists as a tool in speech therapyARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2014
Metatextuality as a characteristic of parenthetical expressionsARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2013
Aphasia: Classifications and Language Symptoms in Light of Contemporary Knowledge of Language StructureARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2012
Why the speech and language therapist needs linguistics or how the child acquires flection and how linguists may help comprehend this processARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2011
An attempt to distinguish parentheticals with the expression jak ‛as’ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2011
About Work on the Project Synchronic-Diachronic Studies on Contemporary Personal Names ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2009
Podmiot w języku i kulturze, red. Jerzy Bartmiński i Anna Pajdzińska, Lublin 2008 REVIEWS2/2009
How Many Linguistic Units Are There in the Form of stwierdzać/stwierdzić (Reckon)?ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2009