Katarzyna Dróżdż-Łuszczyk

Selected problems with realisation of Polish consonants in the stream of speech from the teaching perspective.LINGUISTICS10/2022
New lexis of the Polish language. Sources and trends of development (selected issues).POLISH AND UKRAINIAN: DEVELOPMENT, CONTACTS, PRESENT TIME1/2022
Syntactic and semantic properties of the verb debatować (to debate)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2013
A man is born to labour and the bird to fly. Semantic-syntactic vs contextual features of the lexeme pracować ‘to work’ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2011
About Work on the Project Synchronic-Diachronic Studies on Contemporary Personal Names ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2009
Is postawa obojętna (Indifferent Attitude) a Contradiction in Terms? Semantic Reflections on the Lexeme postawa (Attitude) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2009
The Uniqueness of ktoś (Somebody) as an Indefinite PronounARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2007
On Classification of the Linguistic Units: the Phrase jeden z (one of) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2003