Stanisław Dubisz

Campaign.WORDS AND PHRASES5/2023
The issues of the Ukrainian language in „Poradnik Językowy” („The LinguisREPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS4/2023
Who and how do we teach? Demography and Polish glottodidactics in the Polonocentric community in the USA.POLISH LANGUAGE ABROAD3/2023
Professor Stanisław Gajda (1945–2022).BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS1/2023
Polish-Ukrainian meetings: linguistics, glottodidactics, translation studies. By way of introduction.10/2022
Latest history of the Polish language (1918–2018).LINGUISTICS10/2022
Kresy (the Borderlands), Ukraina (Ukraine) and prepositions.WORDS AND PHRASES9/2022
Contemporary deliberations on duma (pride, deliberation).WORDS AND PHRASES8/2022
Language of Józef Piłsudski’s texts: Walka rewolucyjna w zaborze rosyjskim. Fakty i wrażenia z ostatnich lat dziesięciu (Revolutionary fight under the Russian rule. Facts and impressions over the last ten years)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2022
Professor Aleksander Wilkoń (1935–2022).BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS6/2022
Development of Polish linguistics in the last century. Research on the Polish language used by the Polish communication community.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2022
Report on the works of the Editorial Board of „Poradnik Językowy” („Linguistic Guide”) in the term of office 2019–2022REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS5/2022
Editor’s Note: clarification.REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS3/2022
Polish-Ukrainian meetings concerned with Polish studies: language, literature, culture. By way of introduction.1/2022
Continuity of the development of the Polish language.POLISH AND UKRAINIAN: DEVELOPMENT, CONTACTS, PRESENT TIME1/2022
Synonymous eponyms? – falandyzowanie prawa and witkowanie reasumpcji.WORDS AND PHRASES10/2021
Editor’s Note: clarification.REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS9/2021
From hatakumba to rezurekcja, or about the “word culture” of posts on social networking services.WORDS AND PHRASES7/2021
Once again about feminatywy (feminativa) and feminizm (feminism): calm comments.WORDS AND PHRASES5/2021
Społem (together), społeczność (community), społeczeństwo (society).WORDS AND PHRASES4/2021
Naród (the nation) – narodowy (national).WORDS AND PHRASES3/2021
Slogans of street protests.WORDS AND PHRASES2/2021
After-Christmas notes on traditional Polish folk instruments: dudki, dudy, gajdy and cymbały.WORDS AND PHRASES1/2021
The text of Unia lubelska (The Union of Lublin) as a document of the period.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2020
Language policy.WORDS AND PHRASES9/2020
Jacek Warchala, Formy perswazji (Forms of persuasion), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2019.REVIEWS8/2020
Marcin Bielski, Kronika, to jest historyja świata (A chronicle, that is a history of the world), compiled by: Dariusz Śnieżko, Dorota Kozaryn, in cooperation with Elena Karczewska, Szczecin 2019, Vol. I–III, pp. 498 + 640 + 586REVIEWS7/2020
The language of Józef Piłsudski’s writings – Rok 1920 (1920)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2020
Prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Szymczak.BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS5/2020
Kaganiec – kagańcowy – kaganek (a muzzle – muzzle – a cresset/torch).WORDS AND PHRASES4/2020
Ignorancja (ignorance).WORDS AND PHRASES3/2020
Arogancja (arrogance).WORDS AND PHRASES2/2020
A report on the works of the Editorial Committee of Poradnik Językowy (The Linguistic Guide) (PorJ) in the term of office 2017–2019.REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS1/2020
Periodisation of the latest history of the Polish language (1939–2019)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2019
Woluntaryzm (voluntarism)WORDS AND PHRASES9/2019
Wybór – wybory – wybierać (to choose / select / take out / elect)WORDS AND PHRASES8/2019
Seks – seksualizm – seksualizacja – seksualizować (sex – sexualism – sexualisation – to sexualise)WORDS AND PHRASES7/2019
Glottodydaktyka (Glottodidactics)WORDS AND PHRASES6/2019
Tadeusz Szczerbowski,Polskie i rosyjskie słownictwo slangowe (Polish and Russian slang vocabulary), Kraków 2018.REVIEWS5/2019
Dzban (a jug, fi g. a blockhead)WORDS AND PHRASES3/2019
“Untypical” names.WORDS AND PHRASES2/2019
In reply to Professor Jan Wawrzyńczyk.REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS1/2019
Zodiak (the zodiac).WORDS AND PHRASES10/2018
Europejczyk – europejczyk (a European)?WORDS AND PHRASES9/2018
The situation of the Polish language in the past century (1918–2018)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2018
Where does nasza era (Common Era) come from?WORDS AND PHRASES7/2018
The planned „destrukcja” (“destruction”) of architecture.WORDS AND PHRASES6/2018
Fashion in languageWORDS AND PHRASES5/2018
Szmal, szmalec (dough), szmalcownik (a shmaltzovnik), or on “low” vocabulary entering the public languageWORDS AND PHRASES4/2018
Zdradzieckie mordy (treacherous mouths) or on inappropriateness – not only unparliamentary oneWORDS AND PHRASES3/2018
On the history of Polish-Turkish linguistic and cultural contacts in the 16th c. – from sandżak to sędziakARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2018
The border problemWORDS AND PHRASES1/2018
Lewak (a lefty), uchodźca (a refugee) and patriota (a patriot), or on manipulating words and social awarenessWORDS AND PHRASES10/2017
Bogucicki or bogucki?WORDS AND PHRASES9/2017
Czas (Time)WORDS AND PHRASES8/2017
Halina Zgółkowa, Słownictwo dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym w latach 2010–2015. Listy frekwencyjne (Vocabulary of pre-school children in the period 2010–2015. Frequency lists), Poznań 2016REVIEWS7/2017
Anastazje, dyzmowie and misiewicze, or about eponymsWORDS AND PHRASES6/2017
Sejm (Seym)WORDS AND PHRASES5/2017
Is an obmowa (backbiting) an opinia (opinion)?WORDS AND PHRASES4/2017
Dobra zmiana (the good change) and Polska w ruinie (Poland in ruins)WORDS AND PHRASES3/2017
„Poradnik Językowy” (“The Linguistic Guide”) in the service of language cultureARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2017
Edukacja (education)WORDS AND PHRASES2/2017
Trybunał (Court/Tribunal)WORDS AND PHRASES1/2017
Doctor Krystyna Długosz-KurczabowaBIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS10/2016
Konstytucja (a constitution)WORDS AND PHRASES9/2016
Professor Teresa SkubalankaBIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS8/2016
Public communication todayWORDS AND PHRASES7/2016
Two faces of the Polish languageWORDS AND PHRASES6/2016
Prawo (law, right)WORDS AND PHRASES5/2016
Demokracja (democracy)WORDS AND PHRASES4/2016
The role of „Poradnik Językowy” („The Linguistic Guide”) in shaping the linguistic standard and the knowledge of the Polish languageARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2016
Mieczysław Szymczak (1927–1985)BIOGRAMS – EDITORS OF „PORADNIK JĘZYKOWY”3/2016
M. Cybulski (scientifi c ed.), Wybór tekstów z dziejów języka polskiego (A selection of texts about the history of Polish), vol. I–II, Łódź 2015REVIEWS2/2016
Witold Doroszewski – an intellectualist, linguist, teacherARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2016
Pokolenie (generation)WORDS AND PHRASES10/2015
Should dialects and subdialects be under protection?WORDS AND PHRASES9/2015
“Twenty years later” – the Polish language abroad – the history and prospects of the researchARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2015
Why Samarytanin (Samaritan)?WORDS AND PHRASES7/2015
Stateczny statekWORDS AND PHRASES6/2015
Development of vocabulary in the history of the Polish language – outline of the issuesARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2015
The official Polish-English bilingualismWORDS AND PHRASES2/2015
How many words are there in Polish?WORDS AND PHRASES1/2015
Na Nowy Rok (For the New Year)WORDS AND PHRASES10/2014
Polish “emigration” namesWORDS AND PHRASES9/2014
Europe – the origin of the name, the evolution of the notionWORDS AND PHRASES8/2014
The situation of the Polish language in Lithuania, Ukraine and BelarusARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2014
“Life” of wordsWORDS AND PHRASES6/2014
Muzułmanin – muzułmanWORDS AND PHRASES5/2014
Degradation of the word bydłoWORDS AND PHRASES4/2014
Zagadkowa kobieta (A mysterious woman)WORDS AND PHRASES3/2014
UniversityWORDS AND PHRASES2/2014
Lexicographic propositions by Professor Mieczysław Szymczak (on the 40th anniversary of the edition of Słownik gwary Domaniewka… (Dictionary of the dialect in Domaniewek…))BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS1/2014
Z końcem roku... (As of the end of the year...)WORDS AND PHRASES10/2013
Edukacja narodowa (national education)WORDS AND PHRASES9/2013
The situation of the Polish language in the worldARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2013
Archiwum, archiwizacja, archiwizować (an archive, archiving, to archive)WORDS AND PHRASES7/2013
Transgenika, transgeniczny (transgenics, transgenic)WORDS AND PHRASES6/2013
Ethics of the wordWORDS AND PHRASES5/2013
Walidator, walidacja (validator, validation)WORDS AND PHRASES4/2013
The memory of our departed – prof. dr hab. Halina Rybicka‑Nowacka (23 Jul 1929–11 May 1992)BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS3/2013
Linguistic theory in applied linguistics – on the example of glottodidactics in Polish studies.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2013
National IdentityLinguistic Identity WORDS AND PHRASES9/2012
Social Aspect of Polish LanguageWORDS AND PHRASES8/2012
The bases of the artistic language of the Polish contemporary poetry ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2012
The Polish academic languageWORDS AND PHRASES6/2012
From the history of Polish lexicography OLD AND CONTEMPORARY DICTIONARIES5/2012
The Polish language in the world WORDS AND PHRASES4/2012
On the dogma of „superiority” of some languages over othersWORDS AND PHRASES3/2012
Teaching teachers of Polish as a foreign language – description of the situation and teaching implications ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2012
Enchanting realityWORDS AND PHRASES10/2011
Witalij I. Kononenko, Iryna W. Kononenko, Kontrastywna hramatyka ukrainśkoji ta polśkoji mow, Kyjiw 2010REVIEWS9/2011
The culture of language behaviours in the history of the Polish language – determinants and areas of presenceARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2011
Internationalisation of the Polish languageWORDS AND PHRASES7/2011
The tradition of the verse art in the translation of Księga psalmów [The Book of Psalms] by Czesław MiłoszARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2011
The development of the Polish language of science – remarks for the sake of orderARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2011
Prima aprilis (April Fool’s Day) WORDS AND PHRASES4/2011
Idy marcowe [the Ides of March] and kalendarz [calendar]WORDS AND PHRASES3/2011
Zabawa [play]WORDS AND PHRASES2/2011
Zacność ‛Righteousness’WORDS AND PHRASES1/2011
Christmas CulinaryWORDS AND PHRASES10/2010
The Diachronic Information in the Studies of the Contemporary Appellatives of Persons (remarks on lexicography and etymology)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2010
Demokracja [democracy]WORDS AND PHRASES8/2010
Prawo (the Law)WORDS AND PHRASES7/2010
Hierarchy of political and social notions in Poland and Ukraine at the turn of 20th and 21st century. Words, values or stereotypes?ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2010
Sobótka (Midsummer’s Day)WORDS AND PHRASES6/2010
Wiwat maj, piękny maj... (Viva May, Beautiful May...)WORDS AND PHRASES5/2010
Wielkanoc – Święta Dobrego Początku WORDS AND PHRASES4/2010
Marcowe gadanie (March Talking)WORDS AND PHRASES3/2010
Karnawał and karnawalizacja (Carnival and Carnivalesque)WORDS AND PHRASES2/2010
People and politics in the lexis of Old Polish period and in the contemporary times of the Polish-languageARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2010
Polish YearWORDS AND PHRASES10/2009
About Work on the Project Synchronic-Diachronic Studies on Contemporary Personal Names ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2009
Narodowe Święto Niepodległości (National Independence Day)WORDS AND PHRASES9/2009
Podkarpacie – PodkarpackieWORDS AND PHRASES8/2009
Wakacje (Holidays) WORDS AND PHRASES7/2009
Kultura narodowa – dziedzictwo narodowe (National Culture – National Heritage)WORDS AND PHRASES6/2009
The Tradition of Polish Translation StudiesARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2009
A Foreign LanguageWORDS AND PHRASES5/2009
Language w sieci (in the net)WORDS AND PHRASES4/2009
The History of Polish Language as a Research Problem in the Work of a Language Historian ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2009
On Official LanguageWORDS AND PHRASES3/2009
On February, February Character and February Linguistic PoliticsWORDS AND PHRASES2/2009
On Weddings in a Bucolic WayWORDS AND PHRASES10/2008
About a Saint Person, Some Holidays and Sacrum in Reply to Mr. Zdzisław Sawrutin’s Letter at the Polish Language Committee, to Reflect onWORDS AND PHRASES9/2008
The Language of Politics – Political or Non-Political? WORDS AND PHRASES8/2008
The Linguist and the Language Servant – On Professor Halina SatkiewiczARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2008
Adam Mickiewicz in the History of Polish Artistic LanguageARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2008
Latin Influence on PolishARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2007
Witalij I. Kononenko, Iryna W. Kononenko, Kontrastywna hramatyka ukrajinśkoji ta polśkoji mow, Kyjiw 2006REVIEWS3/2007
Language Codification in Professor Mieczysław Szymczak&s Works - Linguistic Culture and Lexicography in Practice ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2005
The Development of Polish Linguistic System in the 19th Century ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2005
Antoni Furdal, Jak być Polakiem w Unii Europejskiej, Wrocław 2003 REVIEWS9/2004
Formation of Style- Communicative Variations' Standards in the History of Polish ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2004
The Evolution of General Literary 20th Century Polish Syntax SystemARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2004
The History of the Lexeme Democracy in Polish Language (lexicographical analysis) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2003
The Vocabulary of Ukrainian Origin in Contemporary Polish ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2003
Rozwój języka polskiego a integracja europejska ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2002
Polska, Polonia, polonistyka a EuropaARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2001