Władysław T. Miodunka

Popularising, preserving, and teaching Polish all over the world in the period 1918–2018, Part III: Research on Polish communities, their language and culture, Polish-foreign bilingualism, and teaching Polish across the world in the period 1970–2018.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2020
Popularising, preserving, and teaching Polish all over the world in the period 1918–2018, Part II: The Polish language and community across the world in the period 1944–2018.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2020
Popularising, preserving and teaching Polish across the world in the period 1918–2018. Part I: Polish language and Poles around the world in the period 1918–1939.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2020
Karolina Kowalcze-Franiuk, Bilingwizm polsko-włoski i tożsamość kulturowa emigracji okołosolidarnościowej (Polish-Italian bilingualism and cultural identity of the emigration related to the Solidarity movement), Kraków 2018.REVIEWS9/2019
The grammar book of Polish by Statorius was published 450 years ago. Refl ections on its significance for the history of the Polish linguisticsARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2018
Juliane Besters-Dilger, Anna Dąbrowska, Grzegorz Krajewski, Anna Żurek (eds), Utrata i odzyskiwanie języka polskiego. Językoznawcze i glottodydaktyczne aspekty niepełnej polsko-niemieckiej dwujęzyczności (The loss and recovery of the Polish language. Linguistic and teaching aspects of incomplete Polish-German bilingualism), Pruszków k. Łasku 2016REVIEWS7/2018
The command of Polish among foreigners of non-Polish origin. On the need of a research methodologyARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2015
Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa, Dziedzictwo pozaborowe. Społeczna świadomość językowa Polaków w drugiej Rzeczypospolitej (Post-partitions heritage. Social awareness of Poles in the Second Polish Republic), Kraków 2014REVIEWS7/2015
Michał Głuszkowski, Socjologia w badaniach dwujęzyczności. Wykorzystanie teorii socjologicznych w badaniach nad bilingwizmem (Sociology in research on bilingualism. The application of sociological theories in research on bilingualism), Toruń 2013REVIEWS6/2015
The quality of the Polish language used by foreigners. Quality assessment methods on the material of certificate examinations in Polish as a foreign language in 2011.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2013
The interdisciplinary nature of the Polish glottodidactics ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2012
Pierwszy Kongres Polonistów Francuskich (Paryż, 4-5 maja 2001 r.)REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS8/2001