ISSUE 9 / 2003


  • Leon Zaręba : A Few Reflections on COUP in the Comparative French-Polish Perspective
    The aim of the article is to grasp major meanings of the French noun coup and to depict its equivalents in Polish, with their phrasal connections in particular. The analyzed material illustrates a wide range of collocations with coup, mostly belonging to colloquial language or slang. Their characteristics are being polysemous and create synonymous series.
  • Jacek Perlin : The Present Tense in the Function of the Future in Polish. Detailed Conditions of Semantic Tense-Aspect Neutralization
    The author studies the conditions of using the present tense in the function of the future in Polish. He focuses mainly on the phenomenon of neutralization of the perfect and imperfect aspect, which is necessary to replace future perfect forms with the appropriate present, i.e. imperfect ones. It seems to prove the thesis that verbs in Polish are inflected by aspects which are a modifying not classifying category of the verb.
  • Włodzimierz Moch : The White Lady and the Green Man. The Vocabulary Connected with Drugs, and Taboo Today
    The aim of the article is not to classify precisely the vocabulary connected with drugs, but to inform the reader about the great variety of forms that are used in the youth slang and colloquial speech to describe the issue of taking drugs, more and more common in today.s society. New borrowings and derivatives, as well as euphemisms, periphrases, metaphors, linguistic codes and puns, are designed for breaking the taboo instead of its reinforcement.
  • Julia Mielczarek : Word Formation and the Meaning of the Names of Drugs in The Futurological Congress a Short Story by Stanisław Lem
    The article presents similarities and differences between the names of drugs featuring in Stanisław Lem.s short story and the terms applied in chemistry, pharmacy and pharmacology. The names used by Lem, his own neologisms, are based on trade marks of pharmaceutics already existing, usually Latin, Greek, but also English. Their function is not only to create a suggestive vision of the world, but also to interpret it with a sort of bitter intellectual sense of humor, so typical of Lem's prose.
  • Paweł Paziak : From Life to Death. Semantic Connotations of serce (heart) in Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński's Poetry
    The article describes connotative meanings of lexeme serce in K.K. Baczyński's poetry. The analysis shows duality of the world created. The existence of serce denotes life, while its lack is interpreted as human immaturity which ultimately leads to decline and destruction. There is a fight in this poetry to restore a living heart, which helps to achieve harmony in the world, and to regain faith in the chance of saving the human soul.
  • Anna Śledź : Interjection or Exclamation? The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Certain Usages of Words Considered to Be Vulgar
    This article contains the semantic and syntactic analysis of words like kurwa /fuck/, kurcze/shit/, holender/damn/. The words under discussion function as interjection in longer texts, though they are considered to belong to the non-homogenous class of exclamations. The article aims at proving how imprecise the definition of the class of exclamations is, and their reference to the context in particular.


  • Ewa Siatkowska : Im Wettstreit der Werte. Sorbische Sprache, Kultur und Identitat auf demWeg ins 21. Jahrhundert Bautzen/Budziszyn 2003


  • Alexandra Julia Bata : Słownik gniazd słowotwórczych współczesnego języka ogólnopolskiego pod redakcją naukową Hanny Jadacklej, t. 1-2
  • Jarosław Łachnik : Iwona Burkacka: Porównawcza analiza gniazdowa wybranych leksemów neutralnych i nacechowanych ekspresywnie


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