ISSUE 3 / 2010


  • Magdalena Danielewiczowa : Syntactic models – basic methodological aspects
    The article concerns the basic theoretical aspects connected with the description of syntactic models in contemporary Polish. The author distinguishes two models: a) a model of procedure syntax in a lexical component, i.e. connotative model of a particular unit of sentence formation being a lingusitic fact b) a model understood as abstraction, an artificial creation of a researcher. Abstract models do not have, according to the author, linguistic reality. The article presents numerous arguments that prove this thesis.
  • Anna Kisiel : On phrases like o uzależnieniach w ogólności, a w szczególności o alkoholizmie (on addictions in general, particularly on alcohol) on the basis of lexicographic descriptions

    The article belongs to texts of synchronic linguistics, however, in coming to synchrony the elements of diachronic research have been used. The author, referring to the history of units based on stems szczegół- and ogół-, conducts the analysis of constructions with units w szczególności, szczególny and units with a stem ogół-. Such an approach – a synchronic one but combined with the overview of language over the centuries, which helps to observe the changing relations among units of both groups – allows for a deeper reflection concerning the current status. It also permits to understand a mechanism of recognizing units w szczególności and w ogólności as antonymous in Innym słowniku języka polskiego, edited by M. Bańko. It helps in performing various lexicographic reflections like, for instance,those which are connected with problems in recording dying and ambiguous units (at the example of a noun szczególność).

    As a result of preliminary analysis of construction w szczególnościw ogólności, w szczególnościw ogóle the author recognized relations among the discussed units as non semantic. Moreover, contrary to linguists’ agreements, she indicated the existence of compound w ogóle (w + ogół) functioning differently from the particle w ogóle.

  • Tomasz Nowak : A semantic description of the verb zwęszyć (to scent). From sense to mind
    The author of the article aims to provide a disciplined description of lexical units containing the segment zwęszyć (to scent) with respect to their structure and meaning. The method of analysis is based on putting forward hypotheses in the form of analytical implications and subjecting them to falsification by bringing them down to contradiction. The content of the paper focuses on the issues relating to reconstruction of the form of lexical units (on the basis of segment and supra-segment signals) and reconstruction of the hierarchy of meaningful components. In close relationship with the content of the terms analyzed, the notions: ‛zrobić coś’, ‛wynikać’ and ‛wiedzieć’ are being discussed. The author is trying to prove that those components belong to the semantic structure of the examined phrase; he also proposes a preliminary explication of meanings in the terms of natural semantic metalanguage.
  • Sebastian Żurowski : On the expressions like słyszeć o_ (to hear about)
    The article tries to prove a thesis that a group of auditory perception verbs has certain fetaures which are absent in other perception verbs. This specificity is connected with the fact that hearing is sense which serves to reception of an original (phonic) form of a natural language. By using the methodological apparatus of contemporary structural semantics, there has been distinguished and described a linguistic unit [ktoś] słyszał o [czymś], which is responsible for maintaining the „semiotic” aspect of auditory perception. This unit has a following semantic representation – [ktośi] słyszał o [czymśj]: ‛ktośi, ktoi wie o czymśj cośk ponieważ ktośl wie cośk o czymśj i powiedział cośk o czymśj, jest gotów powiedzieć, że wie cośk o czymśj’. Furthermore, the article also contains a proposal of semantic interpretation of a unit słychać o [czymś].
  • Mariusz Górnicz : Borrowings in the non-terminological lexis of texts for specific purposes: relations between objects of study
    Linguistic borrowings in texts for specific purposes are usually studied in terminology. However, borrowings also occur in non-terminological lexis. The article discusses English loanwords in lexis describing relations between objects of study and is based on an analysis of Polish texts on immunology written for doctors and medical students. Arguments are presented, including changes in semantic collocability patterns, for recognising certain usages of Greek- and Latin-derived verbs as borrowings from contemporary English. A mechanism of language transfer through text is presented and the term syntagmatic transfer is proposed as the name for this phenomenon.
  • Tomasz Chyrzyński : Tendencies in forming Internet pseudonyms by Polish and English speakers – comparative analysis
    The present article is devoted to the tendencies in creating pseudonyms used by Polish and English speaking users of the Internet. The conducted analysis concentrates separately on Polish and English pseudonyms used in basic communicative environments: a social networking site, forum and a chatroom. It was possible to define dominant tendencies in the Polish and English language thanks to distinguishing a category within the Internet users most often create their pseudonyms. The register of all the studied nicks indicates a great similarity of Polish and English pseudonyms. Therefore, linguistic and cultural differences between Polish and English speaking Internet users do not have a significant influence on creating nick names in the „global network”.


  • Jolanta Mędelska : Piotr Wierzchoń, Kotuś. „Verba Polona Abscondita...” (w fotodokumentacji). Szkic lingwochronologizacyjny. Centuria pierwsza, Poznań 2008
  • Bogdan Walczak : Artur Gałkowski, Chrematonimy w funkcji kulturowo-użytkowej. Onomastyczne studium porównawcze na materiale polskim, włoskim, francuskim, Łódź 2008


  • Ewa Rudnicka : Which one is a better coffee brewer: the kawiarka (a Polish Neologism, the female equivalent of barrista) or a barrista?
  • Barbara Pędzich : Pejoratywny (Pejorative)
  • Agata Hącia : Piknik (a picnic)